Accounting20180419 6805 1weskqr

General Accounting

Gl coc20180419 6805 a6dc2z
The General Accounting portion of the MerrimacPlus is a comprehensive bookkeeping system which includes Accounts Payable, all General Ledger functions, and a Commercial Billing module.
MerrimacPlus General Accounting is…
  • A comprehensive bookkeeping software
  • Fully integrated within MerrimacPlus
  • Designed specifically for the publishing industry

Accounts Payable
In the MerrimacPlus Accounts Payable system, each of your suppliers is entered only once and is identified by a unique four-letter code that you define. Invoices, including recurring payables, are entered as they are received and new suppliers can be entered “on-the-fly” during the invoice entry routine. Expenses can be allocated to as many as nine different expense or publication accounts either by amount or as a percentage of the invoice total. The system assures that all allocation entries are balanced. Invoice entries can be cancelled or corrected at any time.
Approval and payment of open invoices is easy with MerrimacPlus Accounts Payable.  You can chose to approve all open payables or only those for selected suppliers. Checks can be approved for the full amount due or for a partial payment. Print your checks at the end of the approval run or store them for printing at a later time.

Need to refund an advertising customer or a subscription payment? Refund checks can also be approved and printed through our A/P system.
MerrimacPlus Accounts Payable puts all of your supplier and payment information at your fingertips, with a variety of on-screen inquiries and printable reports that show you supplier information, complete payment history for each of your suppliers, and open payables including due dates and prompt payment discount details.

General Ledger & Banking
Manage all bank account and general ledger functions directly through MerrimacPlus, including complete financial statements and bank account tracking.
Establish up to nine different bank accounts in MerrimacPlus to match all of your company requirements. Customer payments entered in advertising, circulation, and commercial billing are batched directly to your MerrimacPlus bank accounts. All A/P, payroll, and other checks are recorded in your MerrimacPlus accounts. The MerrimacPlus reconciliation routine lets you quickly reconcile your bank statements against bank account data in your MerrimacPlus system.
As a MerrimacPlus user, you set up a chart of accounts specifically for your publishing business.  Posting to the general ledger as often as you like helps you track all financial activity.

The extensive menu of MerrimacPlus General Accounting printed reports includes:
  • A complete chart of accounts listing
  • A standard trial balance for a specified month or year-to-date
  • Printed checking account records showing all checks, deposits, and memo entries for any time period specified
  • Journal reports for advertising sales, cash receipts, deferred subscription income, refunds payable, monthly and master recurring entries, payroll, and supplier accounts receivables
  • Cash flow reports
  • Transaction analysis reports for any account during any time period

Commercial Billing
MerrimacPlus Commercial Billing handles all job entry and billing functions for commercial printing activities.
Total MerrimacPlus system integration lets you book commercial print jobs such as business cards or brochures for existing advertising customers without setting up separate accounts.
Whether your commercial printing business serves thousands of customers or just processes the occasional miscellaneous job order, you can manage order entry, billing, and collections through MerrimacPlus Commercial Billing.