Direct Mail
The Direct Mail feature of the Merrimac Publishing Manager allows users to select names from either the advertiser or subscriber lists for promotional purposes.
Subscriber/prospect names can be selected by zip code range, as well as by status categories such as active subscribers, advertisers, complimentary copies, prospect records, etc. A specific number of names can also be selected on an Nth name basis or by starting at the beginning of the selected range, and former sample recipients can be singled out for follow-up promotion.
Advertiser/prospect names can be selected by status (paid advertiser, trade advertiser, or prospect), business classification, sales rep assignment, and/or advertising history. It is possible, for example, to select all advertisers who have not run within the last six months, or conversely, to select only advertisers who have run within the last year. Classified advertisers can also be selected by the classified heading under which their ads ran.
The mail-merge operation for printing letters is fully automated. Labels can be printed in ten different formats, and postcards can be one of three standard sizes. All mailing output is sorted according to USPS third-class standards.
MerrimacPlus offers quarterly updates to all customer lists, using data supplied by the Post Office. Whether you’re mailing Total Market Coverage issues, advertising or subscription promotions, you’ll qualify for the best possible postal discounts based on the appropriate use of carrier route sorting, bar coding, and walk-sequencing.
Subscriber/prospect names can be selected by zip code range, as well as by status categories such as active subscribers, advertisers, complimentary copies, prospect records, etc. A specific number of names can also be selected on an Nth name basis or by starting at the beginning of the selected range, and former sample recipients can be singled out for follow-up promotion.
Advertiser/prospect names can be selected by status (paid advertiser, trade advertiser, or prospect), business classification, sales rep assignment, and/or advertising history. It is possible, for example, to select all advertisers who have not run within the last six months, or conversely, to select only advertisers who have run within the last year. Classified advertisers can also be selected by the classified heading under which their ads ran.
The mail-merge operation for printing letters is fully automated. Labels can be printed in ten different formats, and postcards can be one of three standard sizes. All mailing output is sorted according to USPS third-class standards.
MerrimacPlus offers quarterly updates to all customer lists, using data supplied by the Post Office. Whether you’re mailing Total Market Coverage issues, advertising or subscription promotions, you’ll qualify for the best possible postal discounts based on the appropriate use of carrier route sorting, bar coding, and walk-sequencing.